Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register?
You can contact us directly through this website for further information on registration.
What opportunities can I expect in Highland Dancing?
Dancers will have many opportunities with our studio. We offer various dance-out opportunities throughout the year where we dance at local events, parades and community outings. We also participate in dance exams, and every June, we hold an annual dance recital for dancers to showcase everything they have learned.
What do I wear to dance class?
We encourage our little ones (3-5 years) to wear a bodysuit and tights. Older dancers are encouraged to wear shorts, a tank top and white knee socks. All dancers are expected to wear dance shoes. See question below regarding shoes.
Do I need to buy costumes or shoes?
Our studio provides gently used kilts to all of our new dancers to borrow for dance-out performances and exams. We do not expect you to purchase a kilt outfit unless you or your dancer are serious about continuing and would like to compete. We also have a lightly used shoe bin that previous dancers have kindly donated over the years. All new dancers are welcome to borrow a pair of shoes from this bin, however we ask that they be returned if/when you purchase a new pair. Little dancers are welcome to wear ballet slippers.
Can I compete in dance competitions?
Competitions are optional and encouraged if you or your dancer are wanting to pursue even more. There are some requirements should you wish to compete in the future, so please ensure you speak to a teacher when considering this. Teachers will provide you with all of the necessary details and information you need to know prior to competing.